Un approccio socio-culturale ai disastri (prima parte)

A socio-cultural approach to disasters: A comparison between the earthquakes in Emilia and Central Italy

In this article, I highlight the importance of investigating disasters from a socio-anthropological perspective. Although from the 1980s international social sciences did the effort to investigate disasters, in Italy such perspective still needs to be developed. Two comparative case studies have been analysed. One is the area of the Po River Valley in the Emilia-Romagna region, hit by an earthquake on 20th and 29th May 2012, where I have conducted research for three years. The other is the Central Italy, hit by several earthquakes in 2016, where I have conducted three short fieldworks. I aim at demonstrating the importance of analysing the social, cultural and political aspects that these phenomena bring about. Considering the disaster as a complex, multi-faceted and multi-factorial phenomenon, I will show the regenerative and creative character of earthquakes demonstrating, on the one hand, the reactions to the event by the local population, and on the other hand, the incongruences and discrepancies of the procedures put into action by the institutional apparatus.

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